Monthly Archives: February 2016

Alice in Wonder Land 😮

I read the book called Alice in wonder land,

It is about a girl who goes the wonderland ant it kind of says it in the title.It is also about that she tasted some thing but she did not now what it was so she decided to try it.

On the little thing that looked like toothpaste but it was not toothpaste it said that it was lotion and it really looked like toothpaste in the picture that somebody drew.

I liked how the author made a lot of details by his mind i don’t now if he did a connection whit a mother book or if he made it up from his mind. I really liked how the author put more chapter compared to other books 😜😋.




My Best Friend for Ever 🐶, 🐶 two ( Slice of Life )

At first me and my friend weren’t bets friends but now we are best friends. Friends for ever maybe I am not sure but she might be my best friend or she may not be my best friend. But yeah she is my best friend duh for me she wold always be my friend.

I Read the Called Llama Llama red pajama

Dear Readers,

I read the book called llama llama red pajama

It is about llama whit his mama ,he reads a story whit his mama. Llama feels lonely and he calls his mama .His mama is in the phone baby llama waits quietly for his mama. Baby llama screams for his mama llama mama runs for baby llama. Mama sometimes is very busy llama mama says ”you now that mama loves you”mama kisses baby llama and baby llama goes to sleep.


Sincerely,                                                                                                                                 Puppy Lover 13

Tittle : Corduroy

Dear readers,

I read the book called corduroy.

It is about corduroy in the playing area. He lost his button and some other fun things read the book to find out more things about the book.

I liked how the author made this book whit a problem the problem was that he lost his button.

I wish the author wold make this book a little more interesting and add more to the solution.

Love :

Puppy lover 13

Cinderella in the city

Dear Readers

I  read the book Cinderella

it is about a girl that is in a dance club ,she teaches her friends and they weren’t very good at all.

I licked how the author made this book so interesting and make it so so good.

I licked this because it cud make some people laugh or make people excited.

I wish the author wold have more interesting moments and more details

I think this because it cud  be a chapter book.



Puppy lover 13

Are you my mother?

I read the book called are you my mother.

It is about a little bird that comes out of the egg and can’t find his mother he goes to different places and still can’t find his mother he past just by her and still didn’t see her.

I licked how the author made this book whit a problem the problem was that he cud not find his mother and almost at the very first of the book he was looking up,down,to the side and to the other side and no mother any where.

I wish the author wold made this book more like a chapter book and make this book more a interesting story and add more at the problem and at the solution.